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Teaching Citizenship Education? The challenges of competences, assessment renewal and policy implementation

On 29th October 2021, CITIZED partners will be coordinating the workshop “Teaching Citizenship Education? The challenges of competences, assessment renewal and policy implementation”, taking place during the NECE Conference.

The workshop will investigate some of the challenges of Citizenship Education, with a particular focus on missing teachers’ competences.

The workshop will constitute an opportunity to share opinions, inputs and practices in the field of CE, with the final objective of elaborating suggestions and fostering reflection on possible policy improvements.

The conversation will start with a brief presentation of the research results emerging from the first period of implementation of the CITIZED project. Professor Euan Mackie will also intervene on the topic of the workshop. The project, co-funded by the European Union, aims at developing an innovative set of instruments that will help the widespread implementation of citizenship education policies in European education systems.

Interested in participating in the workshop? Register here!