Policy Implementation Support And Teacher Empowerment For Citizenship Education
Our Objectives
Reviewing, analysing, comparing and classifying existing policy approaches to the development of citizenship education (with a specific reference to how teachers and schools are prepared and supported to implement the respective policies), pointing out what works where and at under which conditions, thus identifying inhibiting and enhancing factors in the different contexts.
Production of guidelines and toolkits
Proposing and testing self-assessment instruments and training modules enabling future teachers and in-service teachers to implement effective learning strategies, adequate to develop the set of pupils/student’s competences related to democratic citizenship: this will be done by using the work of the Council of Europe as a reference for context-based national and local
Good practices and methodological instruments
Developing a collaborative open platform and giving access to good practice examples and methodological instruments for schools implementing “whole school” citizenship education projects; also in this case a key reference will be the “Democratic Schools Network” approach.
Policy Recommendations
Maximising the impact of the project activities in terms of support to inform large scale implementation of the validated good practices.
Learn more about our Objectives
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CITIZED – Transnational Project Meeting

CITIZED & Peace games Transnational Project Meetings in Lyon

Zentrum polis has been directly involved in the implementation of the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC) since its publication. This includes national implementation efforts as well as a contribution to a pan-european dissemination of the framework.
In the CITIZED project we can learn how other european countries work with and apply the RFCDC, what potential is attributed to it in different political contexts and how different pedagogical cultures complement the framework. What is most valuable to us, ist hat we can test how existing methodological and didactic approaches spanning the continent can be linked to the RFCDC.
The project activities and discussions with the partners so far have lead to a deeper understanding of our work with the RFCDC.
As members of Zentrum polis, we believe CITIZED can contribute to raising awareness of the need for a democratic culture in education. The analyses we have done until now help policy-makers in their efforts to strengthen citizenship education. The main contribution we have identified is that the tools the CITIZED project has developed help to bridge the gap between policy and practice, therefore supporting teachers in their efforts to democratize the european school system.